Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Ok, so I'm not the best at keeping the blog updated...but here goes an attempt to cover the last few months in a nutshell!  The kids have been growing like weeds!  Cameron and Mia have both grown almost 2 inches in the past 6 months and Drew has grown almost 4!!  Wow!  They are constantly active and with that comes constant eating.  It keeps me on my toes to be creative with the "healthy" snacks.  Mia is the biggest eater I have ever seen--kinda funny that the girl of the group can out-eat the boys on any given day!  She has such a tiny stomach, she eats like a bird at each meal...but she eats 10+ meals per day! Ha! (that one's for you, Torri)

So far the summer has been full of swim lessons for all three kids, movies, and anything else we can do to try to keep cool in the torturous AZ summers.  Cameron has progressed well in his Level 2 swim lessons (he is learning the different swim strokes) and Mia Grace is almost an independent swimmer! Yippee!!  That is our #1 goal for the summer.  Micah looks forward with anticipation to his lesson, then cries just about the entire time we are in the water...maybe next summer....

As you all know, I have been struggling to balance being a mommy, working FT, and pursuing my master's degree FT which has been HARD to say the least....well, GREAT NEWS!  I am officially part-time now for K12/AZVA!  I am still able to hold my same position as the StARS Coordinator, which I love, but due to lower enrollment in academic probation for the Fall semester I am able to transition to PT.  Whoohoooo!  Can you tell I'm just a little excited!?

Michael has been doing a fantastic job with his EMT position at work.  He recently was recognized as employee of the quarter for his efforts....sorry babe, I just had to brag on you a bit! He was recognized in front of all the "big wigs" at their most recent meeting and was given public recognition for going above and beyond his job duties and responsibilities.  We are proud of him! 

Here are some pictures of some of our most recent happenings.  Hope you enjoy!

A few pictures from Cameron's T-Ball Games.  He was excited to be a part of the SF Giant's (made his Daddy proud)!

 We took a trip to Luke AFB w/ Papa to see the air show. This was a day the boys will never forget! 
Special picture w/ Papa.  This is the helicopter that holds Papa's invention, the Rollring (in the bulb above the propellers). SO COOL!

Special Boy's Day Out...fishin and shootin

 Cameron fired his 1st gun...
 Chillin w/ some friends to watch a movie!
 Our little princess and her special girly nails from "E"! Thanks, E!!
 Our Princess (and 2 ninja's) party/play date...so fun!
 Easter morning at Mimi and Grandpa's
 Cameron lost his 1st tooth!
1st Family Bowling Trip

 Super Secret Adults ONLY  trip to Disneyland....so...much...fun!  Shhhhh! (they can hear about it when they are old enough to understand)

 Cameron's Kinder graduation!  The whole family came to celebrate with us--such a great memory!
 Jackpot!  Graduation money!!!!!!!!
 Fun B-Day Party at our friend's house =)

 1st Family Fishing Trip--everyone but mom fell in the creek (yes, Michael too).  It was cooooold but we all had fun!
 Cameron (pre-plunge)....
 Drew just happy to sit at watch
 "I caught a fish!!!"
 Mia, with the prize catch of the day about 5 minutes before we decided to leave for the day...and yes, it was caught with a Barbie Fishing Pole.
 The proud fisher-woman (....post creek plunge, which is why she is sporting daddy's shirt)
 The "crew"
 Photo op w/ mommy!
 Too cool for skool
 Father's Day Hike to Tonto Bridge

 My crazy husband on top of the rock...

 ....oh, yeah!  Blackmail picture, right here!  Potty training has been slow going but slow and steady wins the race, right!?
 Celebrating Papa's Birthday in Sierra Vista

1 comment:

  1. Bek this is so cute! Your kids are adorable and looking at this blog makes me want to have kids. You are both amazing parents! The disneyland part was my favorite =) We love you guys!
    Liz and C.C.
